
My mother and I have been selling R86 on Amazon since 2015 and, based on the reviews, it’s holding up to its claims. It’s not our mission to sell ten products that kind-of work, but to sell one product that works really well. We appreciate everyone who has purchased R86 and provided feedback by posting a review.

Having said that, not every review is positive; and that’s where our opportunity to learn and grow springboards from. We’ve taken your questions and comments and updated our website in a way that is user friendly and full of information. We’ve added videos to show you how to literally use R86 and provide tons of tips along the way.  We want you to be happy with your purchase and squeeze every possible use out of it to help you feel like you’ve gotten your money’s worth. By the time you leave our website, we hope you feel comfortable with our company, educated about R86, and prepared to make a decision as to whether R86 is the right product for your needs. If it is, great! If it’s not, cool…we’re cool.


Giving Back


My mother and I are not from corporate America, we’re from rural America. We’re just two nice ladies hoping to run a successful small business. We don’t have any intentions of growing into a retail giant and taking over the odor control world. Instead, we hope to be a small niche product company that generates a modest income and a reliable source for charitable giving.

From our beginning, we’ve been part of an organization called 1% for the Planet. As a business, we’ve committed to directly donating 1% of our gross sales to non-profit organizations around the world, or to those found in our own back yard. As a former farm family, we like to support causes that have an impact on communities through food and natural surroundings. We’re just starting to gain traction as a company and we look forward to continued growth and continued giving throughout the coming years.

Thank you again if you’ve purchased R86 in the past and feel free to tell us how we’re doing; whether good or bad. We learn the most from your honest feedback!


Sandra Kerschner and Joanne Van Den Heuvel
Organic Alternatives, LLC